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Emsculpt NEO for Arms: A Complete Guide with Before & Afters

Emsculpt NEO for Arms: A Complete Guide with Before & Afters

Emsculpt NEO is a comprehensive muscle-building and fat-burning treatment available for some of the most problematic areas of the body—including the arms. The Emsculpt NEO machine can treat arms, thighs, and calves thanks to a smaller applicator. The original Emsculpt was first cleared for fat reduction and muscle stimulation in the abdomen and buttocks. Now, with technological advancements, the new Emsculpt NEO can treat and contour the arms using sophisticated equipment that emits both HIFEM and RF energy.

This Emsculpt NEO for arms guide covers everything you need to know about the popular treatment, how it works for the arms, and how it can not only define attractive muscles, but it can also burn off stubborn fat that often lingers on the upper arms. Emsculpt NEO is a comprehensive muscle-building and fat-burning treatment available for some of the most problematic areas of the body—including the arms. The Emsculpt NEO machine can treat arms, thighs, and calves thanks to a smaller applicator. The original Emsculpt was first cleared for fat reduction and muscle stimulation in the abdomen and buttocks. Now, with technological advancements, the new Emsculpt NEO can treat and contour the arms using sophisticated equipment that emits both HIFEM and RF energy.
This Emsculpt NEO for arms guide covers everything you need to know about the popular treatment, how it works for the arms, and how it can not only define attractive muscles, but it can also burn off stubborn fat that often lingers on the upper arms.


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Understanding Stubborn Upper Arm Fat

The arms are a typical problem area for most adults, mainly women. The type of fat that commonly gathers in the upper arms is hard to eliminate through diet and exercise alone as they are influenced by genetics, age, and hormonal changes. This means it can be challenging to lose weight, specifically in the upper arms.

In addition, it is almost nearly impossible to tone away fat in the arms. Building arm muscles with exercise can improve muscle strength and tone. However, if you have a buildup of excess fat cells in the upper arms, this will obscure your muscles.

Unfortunately, arm fat exercises or the idea that you can “spot reduce” fat is a myth. Therefore, there is ultimately no way to burn away upper arm fat and tone muscular biceps quickly or easily on your own.

Now, with EMsculpt NEO for arms, people struggling to tone attractive upper arms have a simple, safe solution. EMsculpt NEO targets both fat and muscle. So, while this treatment works to burn away resistant fat in the upper arms, it also builds strong, sexy muscles.

The Science Behind Emsculpt NEO

Emsculpt NEO is the newest advancement from BTL for muscle building AND fat reduction. This treatment builds off the original Emsculpt treatment using the same HIFEM energy but adds RF technology to make treating fat cells possible.

An image showing an Emsculpt NEO machine.

How Does Emsculpt NEO Define Muscles?

Emsculpt NEO uses patented High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic energy known as HIFEM. This energy stimulates powerful muscle contractions deep within the arm muscles. These contractions are called “supramaximal contractions” and are known as being superhuman as they are impossible to achieve through manual efforts. To put it into perspective, you would have to do 20,000 biceps or triceps curls to achieve the same level of muscle contractions delivered in a single Emsculpt NEO session. Treatments result in muscle building, strengthening, and toning unlike anything else available.

How Emsculpt NEO Reduces Upper Arm Fat with Radiofrequency Energy

During your Emsculpt NEO session, a technician places a single applicator over the arms. During your Emsculpting session, both HIFEM and RF energy emit from the applicator and penetrate the skin. The Radiofrequency energy essentially melts the stubborn fat cells in the arm, eliminating them from the body for good.

Weeks after your treatment, your body will gather the melted or destroyed fat cells in the arm. They are expelled from the body through the lymphatic system as a form of waste. Once removed from the body, those fat cells can never return. This is how Emsculpt NEO provides a long-term, lasting fat reduction in the arms.

What Does an Emsculpt NEO Treatment Feel Like?

Emsculpt NEO treatments are virtually painless. Patients can expect to feel intense but manageable muscle contractions and heating sensations. However, numbing cream or something similar is not required. The intensity is adjustable as well, depending on your specific arm goals and preferences. Emsculpt NEO arm treatments tend to last about 30 minutes. During the session, patients are free to lie down or relax until the Emsculpt treatment is over.

What to Expect After an Emsculpt NEO Arms Treatment

After your Emsculpt NEO for arms session, you can expect to feel tenderness in the upper arms. In addition, you may also feel muscle soreness on par with a strenuous workout in the gym. These feelings are both common and natural. The sensations will dissipate on their own within a few days after your treatment.

Aside from that, there are no side effects associated with Emsculpt NEO, and no downtime or recovery is required. You can resume your daily routine right after treatment with no restrictions.

What Are the Benefits of Emsculpt NEO?

Emsculpt NEO benefits include:

Emsculpt NEO Arms Before and After Results*

The Emsculpt NEO arms before and after pics show real Emsculpt results from actual patients. As you can see, each patient achieves impressive improvements to their upper arms. These improvements include decreased stubborn fat, increased muscle mass, and a more toned look to the arm. As with any body-shaping treatment, results may vary.* However, each person achieves notable improvements to their physique after their Emsculpt NEO session.

Patients should always choose a reputable and experienced EMsculpt NEO provider to perform this procedure for the best outcome possible.

Emsculpt NEO for Arms FAQs

The exact number of Emsculpt treatments you need for the arms will vary depending on your specific goals and body.* Most people require four treatments, each scheduled two to three days apart. Occasionally, the initial series may involve six treatments. Schedule a consultation with the experts at Wellnessesity to learn how many Emsculpt NEO treatments you need on the arms to achieve optimal results.

Specific studies on the arms show that, on average, people see a 17.1% increase in muscle mass in the biceps, a 10.2% increase in the triceps, and a 12.8% decrease in arm fat.
As always, results will vary.*

Absolutely! If you want to achieve lean, toned, attractive arms, Emsculpt NEO is worth the money. This treatment helps you burn off the fat that typically obscured muscles while ALSO improving those muscles for all-over arm transformation.

You should not have Emsculpt NEO treatments on the arms if you have a pacemaker, implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, or another electronic device implanted. In addition, you should not be pregnant or breastfeeding.

Emsculpt Your Arms in New Jersey

If you want to learn more about Emsculpt NEO for the arms and experience this painless, non-surgical way to reduce arm fat and sculpt attractive biceps and triceps, contact the experts at Wellnessesity. We are proud to be the leading provider of Emsculpt NEO treatments in Wyckoff, NJ. We also offer Emsculpt NEO in Closter, NJ, at our second location.

Call us at Wyckoff (201) 347-9599 or Closter (201) 564-7061 to schedule your consultation and learn more about the many ways Emsculpt NEO can strengthen, tone, define, and improve your upper arms.


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