Effective Non-Surgical Butt Lift Options

Effective Non-Surgical Butt Lift Options

Effective Non-Surgical Butt Lift Options

Achieving a lifted, toned, and contoured butt can be challenging, especially without surgery. But the good news is, there are non-surgical options available to help you achieve your dream derriere. Let’s explore three effective solutions for a better-looking butt: Emsculpt NEO, Sculptra, and CoolTone. Learn about how each procedure works, its benefits, and the typical expected results.


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What Are the Top 3 Non-Surgical Butt Lift Procedures?

Traditional Brazilian butt lifts can dramatically transform a person’s look. But surgery isn’t for everyone. That’s why many patients flock to Emsculpt NEO, Sculptra, and CoolTone to enhance the appearance of their buttocks.

Emsculpt NEO is a popular non-surgical butt lift option that uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy to tone and lift the buttocks. The cutting-edge technology creates muscle contractions that are stronger and more intense than you can achieve through exercises at the gym. This results in a lifted and toned behind.

How It Works

Emsculpt works by delivering high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy to the butt muscles. The energy stimulates involuntary muscle contractions, which strengthens and tones the muscles. Strong contractions create a metabolic effect, burning fat and contouring the butt for a lifted and defined appearance.1 In addition, the procedure is non-invasive, painless, and requires minimal downtime. Overall, it’s a convenient and effective option for enhancing your butt.

Treatment Benefits

Typical Results*

Our clients have achieved impressive results with Emsculpt NEO. After completing their custom treatment plans, they notice their butt looking more contoured, toned, and lifted. They also have less fat in the treatment area, contributing to a sculpted look. In addition, many patients enjoy improved definition and a more athletic appearance from behind, thanks to high-intensity muscle contractions.

When paired with a healthy and active lifestyle, Emsculpt NEO results are long-lasting. Most patients enjoy stunning results for at least six to twelve months. But like any beauty procedure, results may vary from person to person.* Several treatments may be necessary to achieve your desired outcome.

2. Sculptra

Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic injectable often used for butt enhancement. It works by stimulating the body’s own collagen production. This results in a gradual and natural-looking volume increase over time. Patients use this treatment to create a fuller and more rounded appearance.

How It Works

A trained specialist injects Sculptra into the buttock area, where it boosts collagen production and adds volume.2 Increased collagen in the body gives you perky buttocks without going under the knife.

Treatment Benefits

Typical Results

Sculptra results take time because your body needs time to produce collagen. You’ll notice improvement as this happens over time. Since everyone’s body reacts to the procedure differently, the timeline for results differs.

In general, it takes an average of six weeks for the body to create new collagen. However, once the full results show, most patients enjoy the stunning effects for two years or more.

3. CoolTone

CoolTone is an innovative body contouring treatment that uses Magnetic Muscle Stimulation (MMS) to enhance the buttocks. It uses high-intensity magnetic fields to trigger muscle contractions. This helps tighten and tone the butt muscles. Like Emsculpt NEO, patients enjoy a more lifted, contoured, and defined derriere.

How It Works

During a CoolTone session, a skilled specialist will place the device on your buttocks and activate it to produce high-intensity magnetic fields. These fields stimulate rigorous muscle contractions, which build strength in the muscles.

Patients can expect to feel an intense, pulsing sensation during the treatment. However, it’s generally well-tolerated, and there’s minimal downtime after. A typical CoolTone session lasts around 30 minutes, and you can return to your normal activities right after.

Treatment Benefits

Typical Results

After completing their prescribed treatment plans, patients observe a more lifted, toned, and contoured appearance in their butt area.3 CoolTone results are usually visible after several sessions. Improvement continues to show over two to four weeks, with full results at the six-week mark.

Exact results vary per person depending on factors like their overall health and lifestyle, their starting point, and the number of treatments received. We recommend repeating CoolTone treatments every three to six months for optimal results.

Keep in mind CoolTone isn’t a weight loss solution. However, those close to their goal weight can use it as a body contouring treatment to achieve a perky, attractive butt.

Which Butt Lift Treatment Is Right for Me?

Choosing the right butt lift treatment depends on numerous factors. Start by thinking about your personal goals, body type, and budget.

Let’s recap each of the three top non-surgical BBL treatments to help you make an informed decision:

Emsculpt NEO and CoolTone are similar in that they’re both non-invasive. However, Emsculpt uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy, while CoolTone relies on Magnetic Muscle Stimulation to develop and tone butt muscles. Both are ideal for those who don’t want to deal with needles.

Sculptra stimulates your body’s natural collagen production to achieve a lifted and contoured appearance. Results are subtle and gradual. However, one of Sculptra’s drawbacks is it is an injectable. While it’s tolerable for most people, some may not feel comfortable injecting filler into their bodies.

The best way to determine which treatment is right for you is to consult a qualified provider like Wellnessesity in New Jersey. Our specialists can assess your individual goals and needs. Then, you can pick the best solution to achieve the perfect butt with their guidance.

Non-Surgical BBL using Emsculpt NEO in NJ

Non-surgical BBL alternatives like Emsculpt NEO, Sculptra, and CoolTone offer a safe, effective, and convenient way to improve your butt’s appearance. Wellnessesity is proud to offer Emsculpt NEO body contouring treatments. Our specialists are ready to help you choose the right treatment for your goals.

Don’t settle for a less-than-perfect derriere. Schedule a consultation with us today by calling Closter (201) 564-7061 or Wyckoff (201) 347-9599. Begin your journey toward a more confident and contoured you!


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1. High-Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic Technology (HIFEM) for Non-Invasive Buttock Lifting and Toning of Gluteal Muscles: A Multi-Center Efficacy and Safety Study, published in National Library of Medicine, Link
2. Collagen Stimulators in Body Applications: A Review Focused on Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLLA), published in National Library of Medicine, Link